By Carlton Hoyt, 25 June 2024
We love Canada and love our Canadian customers. For a long time, we've quietly given our Canadian customers a special discount: deeply discounted flat-rate shipping on all orders to Canada. As you might have heard, shipping costs have increased wildly over the past few years, greatly outpacing inflation in most other areas. Due to this, we unfortunately can no longer offer flat-rate shipping to Canada.
But this isn't the end of our Canada love! Our past, present, and future Canadian customers can still order from us. All you need to do is contact us for a quick & easy shipping quote. We'll also work to ensure you get the best value on shipping (i.e. get to you inexpensively while getting there on time and in one piece) from one of our many reputable shipping partners. Unfortunately there will be a period of time where we cannot offer online checkout as our digital storefronts we aren't yet set up to calculate shipping rates, but we estimate we'll have that capability within the next 6 to 12 months, after we've transitioned from our current ten laboratory equipment marketplaces to one big lab equipment superstore!

By Aimee O'Driscoll, 23 January 2020
From now until June 30th, Ohaus is giving away a three-year supply of consumables when you purchase an MB120.
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By Carlton Hoyt, 03 July 2019
We don't like taxes any more than anyone else. Unfortunately for many, last year's South Dakota v. Wayfair decision by the United States Supreme Court meant that more companies are going to have to charge state and local sales taxes in more jurisdictions. A number of factors have made us come to what we consider an unfortunate but necessary decision to begin collecting CA sales tax. Here's why we're doing it:
- We already had a number of suppliers that charged us sales tax to ship to various jurisdictions, and we simply ate the cost. The number doing so in California are increasing rapidly.
- Many institutional customers' require that they can show they are paying sales tax in order to avoid having to pay it themselves. If we don't collect it, and therefore don't bill it, tax is being double-paid. The customer is still liable to pay it, and additionally we're being charged it by our suppliers.
- We're right on the cusp of being legally liable to do so anyway, just based on our own sales volume. While here in New Hampshire we do have a bit of that "live free" mentality, for business purposes it's best to remain above board.
Here in New Hampshire we have no sales tax, so we're still figuring all this stuff out ourselves. We apologize to any of our customers in California who will be disappointed by the new laws. We liked it better when "tax nexus" was determined based on physical presence but hey - we don't make the rules.
As always, if you have any questions about past, present, or future business with us, just drop us a line.
By Carlton Hoyt, 28 June 2018
Laboratory Supply Network is proud to announce the launch of! We have everything you need for laboratory weighing, from scales and analytical balances through calibration weights. We're confident you'll find that we offer a very large selection of laboratory balances as well as the tools and information you need to find the best choice for your lab.
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